Erythraea centaurium: Centaury
The genus of this herb was originally named Chironia after Chiron, a centaur of Greek mythology who was famous for his knowledge of medicinal plants. According to legend, Chiron healed himself with this plant after accidentally wounding himself with one of Hercules’s poisoned arrows. Dioscorides alluded to the myth and prescribed Centaury as a treatment for wounds. He also recommended the herb for lung disorders, namely “the old cough” and “blood spitting.”
The genus of this herb was originally named Chironia after Chiron, a centaur of Greek mythology who was famous for his knowledge of medicinal plants. According to legend, Chiron healed himself with this plant after accidentally wounding himself with one of Hercules’s poisoned arrows. Dioscorides alluded to the myth and prescribed Centaury as a treatment for wounds. He also recommended the herb for lung disorders, namely “the old cough” and “blood spitting.”
Há uma loja aonde vou pelo cheiro. Hoje deixei-me prender por um chá apenas pela sua aparência. Nada sabia dele e isto é coisa rara de me acontecer.
Não me importa que se diga que tem um travo amargo e que é bom para a digestão. Chamam-lhe "Fel da Terra", mas vou chamá-lo de "Centauro Vermelho".
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